Low Vision Clinics
Sight Concern provide Low Vision Clinics which are held at our offices in Bedford and Luton and are funded by the NHS.
Accessing the Service
The service is free to users. Referrals are made via GP, optician or hospital ophthalmologist. Self-referral is possible for return appointments although all those attending are expected to have had a recent, (usually within six months), sight test at their optician and to attend with a record of this.
A CVI is not required to access the service and there are benefits in early referral to the LVS in order access other support services, such as emotional support, whilst treatment and diagnosis are ongoing.
A Low Vision Service Referral Form for clients is available to download here. Please complete the top half of the form as fully as possible. Any information missing can delay the subsequent appointment. Referrals can also be made via secure online link
Location & Facilities
All appointments are held in a non-clinical environment at Sight Concern Bedfordshire’s premises located in both Luton & Bedford. The LVS appointment is conducted by LVS optometrists with a specialism in Low Vision. They are supported in this by Sight Concern Bedfordshire’s trained volunteers.
The Appointment
Depending upon the individual’s needs, the appointment may include discussion of the eye condition and the opportunity to ask questions about it, an assessment and exploration of the individual’s vision needs, and, if appropriate, an assessment of the types of magnification that may help to meet the individual’s particular needs. Where appropriate, a free magnifier will be made available on long term loan.
The optometrist may also explore best use of colour contrast and advise on appropriate task lighting relevant to the individual. Other areas covered may include discussing how to maintain healthy eyes and diet.
The volunteers will also explore if there is any further support that Sight Concern Bedfordshire can offer from its wide range of services, such as exploring entitlement to benefits, practical and emotional support, IT or Social Clubs, telephone befriending, accessing regular newsletter, Talking Newspapers etc.
A Low Vision Service Leaflet for clients is available to download here
Service Expectations
New referrals should typically expect an appointment time of 40 minutes, whilst return appointments are usually 20 minutes. Most clients arriving on time for their appointment should expect to be seen on time or at least within 15 minutes of their due appointment. The service operates with a DNA rate of well below 1%. The recall time is typically annual, but may be variable depending upon client’s needs.
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